Hatch Calendar
The secret to successful chalkstream fishing is picking the right fly for the right moment; even the best cast in the world will not impress trout if the fly on the end is something they do not want to eat.
Fortunately, as we approach the third century of what we would call modern fly fishing our forebears have put in the work to create a palette of patterns to tempt even the choosiest trout though the difficulty for some fly fishers is that that palette runs to something over 6,000 flies! However, in my Hatch Calendar I have reduced that veritable smorgasbord of feather and fur into a few dozen must-have flies to cover the season.
This is a free booklet, organised month-by-month, which contains which flies to use and when, with photographs of both the fly and the insects it imitates. In addition, there are useful hints on tactics, weather, hatches and much more. To download you copy click here.
In addition, all my flies chosen for the Hatch Calendar are available for purchase in a single fly box. Full details are below but in summary you will receive 78 flies in labelled box, a copy of the Hatch Calendar and access to my subscriber-only web page you will be able to match the hatch to pick the right fly, for the right moment for any given time of day on a chalkstream from your mobile phone.