Essential Information for Your Trip
This section of the web site is full of information for anyone who has booked, is planning to book or simply wants some more background on what to expect.
If you have a confirmed booking you will have received a PDF containing the following:
- Confirmation letter – this highlights the details particular to your booking
- Journey map – road map with details for satellite navigation systems
- Local map – for the last few hundred yards when navigation systems fail on rural back roads
- Beat map – to use once you start fishing
- Invoice with booking terms and conditions – please read this and check the details
In addition, I will follow up with an update by email with fishing conditions about a week prior to your trip. However, there is plenty more hatch and fly information in this section for research prior to that.
If you have completed your trip or have any comment on the service you have received from Fishing Breaks, please complete this Feedback Form.
In broad terms the season for brown trout runs from April to October with the grayling and coarse fish season from mid-June to mid-March. Stillwater trout lakes stay open all year. However, there are many local variations to these dates especially for salmon and sea trout. Follow this link for all Fishing Breaks beat opening dates.
Getting around is usually no great problem if you have a car or book one of our fishing guides who will provide local transportation. Otherwise, a train/taxi combination will usually work. The international airports of Gatwick and Heathrow are within 45-60 miles of the chalkstream region and the local airports are Southampton and Bournemouth.
CAR - Your confirmation contains maps and the postal address for satellite navigation. However, a word of warning as fishing beats tend to be in the out of the way places which navigation systems have problems with, so do rely on our local map, Google maps or What3Words.
CAR HIRE - A train/car hire is a good combination if you are coming out of London or from an airport. There is an Enterprise office at Winchester train station (Hampshire rivers), Hertz at Salisbury station (Wiltshire), National or Enterprise within walking distance of Newbury station (Berkshire) and Sixt at Dorchester South station (Dorset).
TRAIN - There are a few beats that are within walking distance of the local train station, but generally you will have to take a taxi from the station to the river. However, that will not be as difficult as it might sound as over three quarters of our beats are within 5 miles of a railway station. To check which rivers are nearest to train stations click this link.
TAXI - If you arrive by taxi it is a good idea to arrange the pick-up time and place before you send the driver away.
AIRPORTS - All these are within a reasonable distance of our southern rivers
Bournemouth (BOH)
Gatwick (LGW)
Heathrow (LHR)
Southampton (SOU)
Check out our accommodation guide which lists hotels, inns and pubs near the fishing that you may book direct. Alternatively, we have a selection of Cottages, Lodge & Huts that include fishing that may be booked for a short stay or by the week with us.
This is sold by the Environment Agency. It is valid for a year, 8 days or 1 day. By law you must have a licence before you start fishing in England and Wales. The license fees are:
Annual £35.80
8 Day £14.30
1 Day £7.10
Under 16 years do not require a licence and there are concessions for over 65’s.Purchase your licence on-line from the Environment Agency or call 0344 800 5386. Unless advised otherwise purchase the ‘Trout and coarse up to 2-rod’ licence.
It is important to note that all Fishing Breaks fishing is sold on the basis that the client assumes the risk with regard to weather and river conditions. There are no refunds, exchanges or postponements due to the weather or river conditions.
Rod: The standard outfit is an 8.5ft/3-5wt with a floating line, double tapered or weight forward as you
prefer. However, an outfit from 7ft-9ft, 2-6wt will do the job on most rivers. See beat by beat advice.
Leader and tippet material: a tapered leader of 5lb/3x is ideal and add tippet of 3lb/5x. In certain
conditions a tippet down to 2lb/7x may be required. NB: There is a difference between the x ratings in the UK and US: 8lb 1xUK/3xUS. 6lb 2xUK/4xUS. 5lb 3xUK/5xUS. 3lb 5xUK/6xUS. 2lb 7xUK/7xUS.
Flies: Where our rules state barbless hooks it is perfectly acceptable to use hooks where you have debarbed by flattening the barb with pliers. See below for advice on patterns.
Nets: Unless you are fishing a wading beat a tennis racquet style net will be inadequate. Carry a folding net with an extended length of 30 inches or more.
No specialist clothing is required as you are unlikely to experience extremes of weather. Dress for a spring or summer day outside, with a hat, polarized sunglasses, rain jacket as a backup and rugged or waterproof
footwear. If the fishing requires waders, we will tell you and you should bring your own.
Chalkstream fishing follows a regular pattern month-by-month which is summarised below.
Chalkstream fishing follows a regular pattern month-by-month which is summarised below.
NB Updates are uploaded weekly on a Friday starting on 28 March 2025.
Your confirmation pack will include details of a local fly shop. If you wish to buy ahead of your trip we sell month-by-month chalkstream fly selection packs that are available for purchase on-line. Allow at least 5 days for UK delivery. If ordering from overseas please contact us prior to placing an order. Visit the Buy Flies section of the web.
Please be aware that satellite navigation systems and postcodes/street names are often very poor at directing you the last few hundred yards to the fishing. Your confirmation pack will have a detailed map for the last leg of the journey including full postal address, Google map link and What3Words.
The office is usually open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Call 01264 781988. Out of hours there will be a mobile
number on the answering machine for you to call. Overseas mobiles dial 00 44 1264 781988.
There will be a cabin or hut at most, but not all, of our beats. Do check your confirmation letter for details or call to check. The facilities vary from beat to beat, but often they are equipped with a WC, fresh water, gas stove, kettle, fresh coffee, tea, powdered milk, mugs, plates and cutlery. Some have BBQs. Car parking will be as close to the cabin as we can make it and is usually an off road, private car park.
Unless specifically arranged in advance food and drink is never provided. Bring your own or visit the local pub details of which will be in your confirmation letter.
All our beats have a set of rules that will be part of your confirmation pack. Each beat is slightly different, so do take a moment or two to read them through. We do not like to be too prescriptive, but the hope is that the rules (I prefer the term guidelines) will help you get the most from your day. In broad terms these are rules common to all beats:
- Fishing Times: Usually 9.30am to dusk but check for variations..
- Catch & release: Usually permitted with barbless or de-barbed hooks obligatory.
- Keeping fish: Some beats are all catch and release, but some allow one, two or more fish to be kept.
- Nymphs: This will vary from all season to only later in the season or not at all.
- Upstream: All fishing is upstream dry fly or nymph.
- Wading: On some beats this is essential, some recommended and some not permitted.
- Rod sharing: This is never permitted.
- Dogs: Varies so do check.
If you are on a shared beat it will be noted in the confirmation letter. It is customary that the upstream angler has the right of way providing he keeps moving at a reasonable speed and the downstream angler should only pass with the permission of the other angler.
On shared beats non-fishing guests/partners should not walk the riverbank. If your family joins you, please be sensitive to the quiet enjoyment of other anglers. NB Not all beats allow non-fishing guests.
If you have booked a fishing guide or instructor, he will provide all the fishing equipment and flies, though do bring your own if you prefer. Please note that the guides/instructors DO NOT carry waterproof clothing, footwear or waders.
If you have a guide or instructor a tip is not obligatory but is always much appreciated. If the guide has shared his personal flies with you (and you have lost them!), please take this into account.10-15% of the guide fee is a good starting point.
The confirmation pack contains details of the nearest pharmacy, doctor surgery and hospital.
We always appreciate your thoughts and comments. We will send you a Feedback Form shortly after your trip but please feel free to call or email if you prefer.